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2009 Assessment Workshop

Time is of the Essence: Perspectives of Parents ad Professionals

The topic for the 7th annual “Assessment Workshop” was selected after a careful revision of last year’s feedback from the delegates who stressed the importance of listening to parents’ voices. If understanding the “languages” of assessment is important, then timely listening to the different perspectives brought by parents and professionals is the essential ingredient to make assessment a meaningful and successful process.

This year we were honoured by an inspiring and highly professional panel of parents of children with developmental delays and special needs. Rona Sterling-Collins, Florence Gonyer and Maria Glaze shared their powerful stories with an avid audience of over 150 delegates. Their message of courage and commitment, of hope and perseverance, and of creativity and adaptability to meet the unique needs of the children and to surmount any challenges will stay with all of those who had the privilege to attend this session. Dr Nancy Lanphear, Director of Developmental Pediatrics at Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, was the panel’s skilled and insightful moderator. Michele Sam, Senior Aboriginal Researcher with the Human Early Learning Partnership presented her vision on the intertwined relationships of children with their caregivers and early child development professionals in contexts that cross the time barriers and the different cultures. Past, present and future blend together, and special needs are not just dependent on developmental and academic outcomes, but based on long-lasting relationships among researchers, professionals working in community agencies, students and parents. Seventeen workshops covering cutting-edge and yet accessible research findings, community initiatives and programs, and project deliverables on the importance of “time, timely and timing” in the assessment process for children, guided by the parents’ voices, and supported by professionals. We were honored with Dr Lori Roggman’s presentation on the “Piccolo” Program (Utah State University Center for Disabilities). This session was a follow-up to Drs Roggman and Innocenti’s full-day inservice for the Infant Development Program of BC.

We continue to express our gratitude to Early Childhood Educators of BC, the Infant Development Program of BC, the Supported Child Development Program of BC, the Aboriginal Infant Development Program, The CHILD Project, The Human Early Learning and Partnership and the Psychoeducational Training and Resource Centre (Faculty of Education) at UBC for their ongoing support that makes this event possible every year.

We are thankful for your detailed evaluations. As in previous years, rely on your feedback of the workshops and of the event as a whole to plan our next events. You will receive details regarding the 2010 overall topic, presenters and sessions in the late Fall 2009/early Winter 2010.

Once again, the description and links to the presentations are outlined in the sections that follow.

We would like to thank the following for their support and enthusiasm in presenting this exciting event:

The Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC) and their Board of Directors, in particular Violet Jessen and Diane Tannahill, together with Vi-Anne Zirnhelt, President and Sheila Davidson, Executive Director
Joyce Branscombe, Nicky Byres, of EventAbility
Dana Brynelsen, Provincial Advisor, Office of the Infant Development Program of BC
Tanya Brown, Provincial Advisor, Office of Supported Child Development Programs of BC
Diana Elliott, Provincial Advisor, Office of the Aboriginal Infant Development Program of BC
William McKee, Director, The Psychoeducational Training Centre at UBC
Clyde Hertzman, Lori Irwin and staff from HELP and The CHILD Project

We gratefully acknowledge the administrative, logistical and onsite volunteering support provided by:

Esther Shackelly, Office of the Provincial Advisor, Aboriginal Infant Development Program of BC
Dr William McKee The Psychoeducational Training Centre, Faculty of Education, UBC
Lesley Richardson and Lauris Williams, EventAbility
Amy Mullis, Sophia D’Amato and Jasmyn Roberts, HELP
Amelia Mathison, Office of the Provincial Advisor, Infant Development Programs of BC
Sandi McDonald, Office of the Provincial Advisor, Supported Child Development Programs of BC

Warm thanks to our enthusiastic and committed student Volunteers:

Leah Gillespie, Maya Goldstein, Angela Lee, Amber Louie, Amelia Mathieson, Silvia Mazabel, Juliana Negreiros, Jessica Parker (Graduate Students, Faculty of Education, The University of British Columbia, Pt. Grey)
Name WS Title
Maria Glaze, Florence Gonyer, Rona Sterling-Collins. Moderator: Dr Nancy Lanphear Opening Panel AM Journey with our children with special needs
Michele Sam Keynote PM Time: Immemorial to Immortal Relationships with Professionals as extended family [upcoming videolink to be posted]
Tanya Brown, Diana Elliott and Mary Stewart A1/B1 Walking the Talk of Screening and Assessment in Early Childhood
Christine Mayworm A2 Tales From the Frontline (BC Family Resource Hearing Program)
Dr. Stefania Maggi A3 Don’t be late! How Assessment of Young Children can Decrease Adolescent Substance Use
Dr. Jennifer BaumbuschDr. Mari Pighini A4 Parenting Children With Unique Needs (two presentations):Part 1: Planning for Two Lifetimes: Parenting a Young Child with Special Needs
Part 2: Time, Timely, Timing: Learning from IDP Parents’ Multiple Case Study
Dr Constance MilbrathJoanne Schroeder A5 Disentangling the Influences of ESL, Poverty & Neighbourhoods on Young Children’s Developmental Readiness for School.
Dr. Lori Roggmann A6 What’s PICCOLO? An Overview of an Observational Measure of Developmental Parenting
Dr Laurie Ford; Ford Graduate Students’ Lab:Leah Gillespie, Maya Goldstein, Juliana Negreiros; Jessica Parker and Mary Stewart A8 Understanding Neighborhood and Community Factors that Promote Early Development
Dr Paul Kershaw; Maria Glaze and Bruce Sandy A9 Perspectives of Timely Assessment: Policy, Parents and Programs (Dr Kershaw)
Presentation 1:Celina Vergel de DiosKimberly Thomson

Presentation 2:

Anthony Smith

B2 Presentation 1: Effects of the Roots of Empathy on the Well Being of Children*Presentation 1: The Roots of Empathy: A Primary Preventative Program to Promote Social-Emotional CompetencePresentation 2: Planting Roots of Empathy – How Geographic Neighborhoods Influence Prosocial Behaviour
Dr Georgina RobinsonClair Schuman B3 A Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Demystifying the Process and Supporting the Family
Molly Stewart-Lawlor B4 Promoting Children’s Social-Emotional Competence Through Mindfulness Education
Dr Lara El-KhatibDr Mari Pighini B5 Social Inclusion Project: Giving Parents and Communities What They Requested.
Joanne Wooldridge B6 Early Childhood Vision Screening—Who, When and Why?
Mary Stewart
Dr. Laurie Ford
B8 Considerations in Selecting Developmental Screening and Assessment Measures
Rona Sterling-CollinsFlorence Gonyer B9 A Parent’s Journey With Special Needs

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